Midwest Behavioral Risk Management specializes in assisting organizations and academic settings with assessing, managing and monitoring potential risk by current employees, former employees or his / her partner, customers, students, faculty, or other third party individual. We also assist individuals who are concerned about intimate or domestic partner aggression and violence as well as those being pursued by a stalker.
The primary purpose of a violence risk and threat evaluation is to prevent targeted violence. The evaluation process is centered upon on analysis of the facts and evidence of behavior in a given situation. The appraisal of risk primarily focuses on the reported actions, communications, and specific circumstances that might suggest that an individual intends to pursue an attack and is engaged in planning or preparing for that event.
Psychological Risk Evaluations
Direct Psychological Violence Risk Potential Evaluation
The violence risk potential and recommendations are based on record reviews (e.g., ideally official criminal and civil history reports, incident and investigative reports, personnel records, student records, and other documents, etc.); an in-person interview with the individual and psychological testing when appropriate; the application of relevant structured professional judgment guides; and attempts are made to interview all known and relevant collateral sources which may provide helpful information and corroboration. We will discuss the violence risk potential and make recommendations based on the individual’s current known mental state at the time of the evaluation.
Indirect Psychological Threat Assessment
Indirect assessments are typically referred by an organization or academic setting when they have serious concerns about a disgruntled or potentially dangerous former employee or his / her partner, student, customers, or other third party individual. This is also the preferred assessment for individuals who are concerned about intimate or domestic partner aggression and violence and those being pursued by a stalker.
The threat assessment risk potential and recommendations are based on record reviews (e.g., ideally official criminal and civil history reports, incident and investigative reports, surveillance media, inappropriate communications, and other documents, etc.); the application of relevant structured professional judgment guides; and collateral interviews, which act as primary sources of information that assist in the development of the threat assessment. We will discuss the violence risk potential and make recommendations based on the individual’s current known mental state at the time of the assessment. We suggest strategies on how to manage the risk potential and the individual, but since this individual is not under the control of the referring organization or individual, it is important to note this limitation if and when any action is taken as a result of the evaluation findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
Consultation Services
Safe Termination / Layoff of High Risk Employee
Terminating or laying-off a high risk employee can be a challenging task. Employers should be mindful in planning for this event as well as to the potential reactions that may occur before, during and after the separation. Consultation includes a review of the employees past and current work performance, interpersonal relationships with coworkers and supervisors, and a review of other available information including, but not limited to: any disciplinary action, grievances, appeals, past or current performance improvement plans, incidents, and investigative reports.
A risk potential evaluation can assist this process and provide guidance in how to approach, deliver, and achieve a safe separation. Special attention is given to the safety of the employer, employees, customers, and physical plant. We assess the potential for the employee to engage in sabotage behaviors or interpersonal violence towards the organization and its employees in both the short and long term.